How to Remove Stains from Carpet? Hire the Carpet Stain Remover!
Need a carpet stain remover Santa Rosa? Maybe you’re wondering how to remove stains from carpet. If so, this page offers some helpful information. You can try yourself, or for professional help, the best way to remove carpet stains is to call us.
What Makes a Carpet Stain?
A stain is discoloration produced by a foreign dye having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material. Unfortunately, many stains are not easily removed.

Types of Carpet Stains
The Six types of stain categories are:
- Organic Stains
- Synthetic Stains
- Petroleum Based Stains
- Protein Stains
- Mystery Stains
- Combination Stains
Organic Stains
As the name implies, an “organic stain” is a stain that is organic in nature. The stain itself is actually a foreign dye molecule that has bonded to the carpet fibers.
For instance, a mustard stain is organic, and chocolate is a protein stain. These are the most common stains, and we often achieve good results on the first attempt. The process we use to suspend organic dyes is call oxidation.
Synthetic Stains
Synthetic stains are more challenging to remove. This dye can be removed through a process called “reduction”. The reducing agent slowly removes oxygen from the chain molecule until the dye is released.
An example of synthetic dye is Kool-Aid or orange soda, both of which contain artificial coloring.
Petroleum Based Stains
Petroleum or oil-based stains are removed using solvents and solvent gels. Some types of petroleum-based stains include wax, tar, ink, nail polish or lipstick. These types of deposits can be the most time-consuming to remove.
Protein Stains
Protein-based deposits include such things as egg, milk or blood. These types of deposits are best handled using enzymes.
Mystery Stains
Yes, this is a real category! A mystery stain is simply a stain that is unidentifiable, meaning that the customer does not know what it is or where it came from. When we have little to no information about a stain, it becomes a guessing game. Treating mystery stains can be a time-consuming process.
Combination Stains
As it sounds, a combination stain is when there are multiple stains in one. These are the most difficult and time-consuming stains to remove.
Urine Stain Removal
A stain left behind from urine is an organic dye; the tannins in urine vary from animal to animal. Once the stain bonds to the surface of the fibers, its bond requires special chemistry in order to break that bond.
The process we use is called oxidation, which is the process of adding oxygen to the stain molecule causing the dye to release. In some cases, pre as well as post treatments are required to achieve good results.
Before Using a Carpet Stain Remover
Sometimes success is achieved on the first attempt. However, stain removal can take multiple attempts. Some stains cannot be removed because they have been made permanent by improper attempts at removal. Therefore, we cannot guarantee complete stain removal.
Did you already try a carpet stain remover Santa Rosa? Hopefully you got lucky! On the other hand, our best advice on how to remove stains from carpet is to give us a call. Our experience, training and professional methods are the best way to remove carpet stains! Contact us for help
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